
Chapter 4: Z-scores, probabilities, normal distributions, and binomial distributions

=)本章概览 (Guide): 在本章中,我们学习了z分数、概率这两个概念,并将他们运用于两类分布:正态分布与二项分布。
In this chapter, we learned the concepts of Z-score and probability, and applied them to two types of distributions: normal distribution and binomial distribution.

:!:学习要点 (Learning points)

  1. 学会利用z分数进行原分布与标准分布之间的互相转换
    Learn how to use z-scores to convert between the original distribution and the standard distribution
  2. 学会利用随机取样、回置取样来计算概率,并通过样本概率推测总体分布
    Learn how to use random sampling and back sampling to calculate probability, and infer population distribution through sample probability
  3. 掌握正态分布的公式与基本特征,利用查表与插值法计算百分位数
    Master the formulas and basic characteristics of normal distribution, and use table lookup and interpolation methods to calculate percentiles
  4. 掌握正态分布中1σ, 2σ, 3σ内的百分比率
    Master the percentage rate in 1σ, 2σ and 3σ of normal distribution.
  5. 理解二项分布的公式,并掌握将二项分布近似为正态分布的条件与方法
    Understand the formula of binomial distribution and master the conditions and methods for approximating binomial distribution to normal distribution

