正态分布 (Normal distribution)
正态分布,也被称为高斯分布,在日常生活中十分常见,当样本量足够大时,我们会发现生活中许多变量的分布都近似于正态分布。 正态分布的概率密度函数如下
The normal distribution, also known as the Gaussian distribution, is very common in daily life, and when the sample size is large enough, we will find that the distribution of many variables in life approximates the normal distribution. The probability density function for a normal distribution is as follows
一、特点 (Characteristic)
- The normal dstribution is shaped like a wall clock and is symmetrical.Normally distributed data where the mean, mode, and median correspond to the same value.
- Extreme values are relatively rare, and most of the data are concentrated around the mean.
- The normal distribution does not intersect the horizontal axis.
二、标准正态分布(Standard normal distribution)
Different normal distributions may have different means and variances, and the normal curves drawn are also different. When the standard deviation is large, the shape of the normal distribution is broader, while when the standard deviation is small, the shape of the normal distribution is more narrow.
We can normalize and replace the raw fraction of the horizontal axis with its corresponding z-score, so that we get a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, that is, the standard normal distribution.This will not change the shape of the original distribution.
For the standard normal distribution, the ratio of any part of the area under the curve to the total area is fixed, e.g., 34.13% for the region between the mean and one standard deviation, 47.72% for the area between the mean and two standard deviations, and 47.72% for the area between the mean and three standard deviations.