



z-scores and their applications


If we take the mean as a point of reference, in a single distribution we can use the deviation to measure the position of each raw score, but if we want to compare the relative positions of raw scores in two or more distributions, the deviation becomes useless.


When making comparisons between different distributions, it is not enough to rely only on the absolute values of the raw scores. To avoid errors, we introduce a method: calculating the standard deviation.

一、z分数与原始分数(z-scores and raw scores)


The z-score consists of two parts: the amplitude symbol and the numerical value. The positive or negative sign indicates whether the raw score corresponding to the z-score is larger or smaller than the mean. The numerical value of the z-score indicates how many standard deviations between the raw score and the mean.


Then we can easily get the formula for the z-score:


As these data are algebraically accessible, we can also invert the original score when the mean, standard deviation, and z-score of the original distribution are known.

二、z分数与标准分布(Z-score and standard distribution)


The another usage of z-score is to standardize the whole distribution. Once the mean and standard deviation of sample or population are known, the original scores could be changed into z-score. The new distribution is called z-score distribution, or standardized distribution. This process is called standardize. Z-score distribution has 3 main features:


(1)The shape of z-score distribution is the same with the original one.


(2)The mean of z-score distribution is 0.


(3)The standard variation of z-score distribution is 1.

三、z分数的意义(The significance of z-score)


Z-score not only provides the position information of the score, but also can standardize the whole distribution, making it easy to compare with different distributions. Z-score also represents possibility, once the interval of z-score is known, the possibility of scores in this interval could be calculated. Meanwhile, z-score can also represent the relationship between variables. But if the distribution is a skew distribution, z-score could only help to compare the distance to the mean of different scores, but no longer ascertain the position of scores.

z分数.txt · 最后更改: 2024/03/19 02:25 由 李佳熠2