


肯德尔和谐系数 (Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance)

  • 它是被用来表示多列等级变量相关程度的指标。
    • It was used as an indicator of the degree of correlation of multicolumn ranking variables.
  • 常用于K个评定者对N个事物进行等级评定,考察这K个评定者之间评分的一致性。
    • It is commonly used to rate N things by K raters and examine the consistency of ratings among these K raters.

  • 其中 Ri 是每一个被评价事物的 K 个等级之和,K 为评定者的个数,N 为被评价的事物的个数。
    • where Ri is the sum of K ratings for each thing evaluated, K is the number of raters, and N is the number of things evaluated.
  • W可以看作是所有可能的评定者对评定等级的 Spearman 相关系数的函数:
    • W can be viewed as a function of the Spearman correlation coefficients of all possible raters for the rating scale.
kendall和谐系数.txt · 最后更改: 2024/04/15 09:48 由 limesty