


描述统计(descriptive statistics)

  • 定义:描述统计是指用来整理、概括、简化数据的统计方法,侧重于描述一组数据的全貌,刻画一件事物的性质。
  • 常用的描述统计有求平均值标准差等。
  • 描述统计常利用图、表的方式来表示。
  • Definition: Descriptive statistics refers to statistical methods used to organize, summarize, and simplify data,focusing on describing the overall picture of a set of data and characterizing the properties of something.
  • Common descriptive statistics methods include calculating mean and standard deviation.
  • Descriptive statistics often use graphs and tables to dscribe statistics.

推论统计(inferential statistics)

  • 定义:推论统计是指用一系列数学方法,将从样本数据中获得的结果推广到样本所在的总体。
  • 由于现实条件的限制,实际研究中可能无法逐一考察总体中的每一个个体,只能利用有代表性的样本来推测总体的情况。
  • 进行推论统计的关键在于所抽取的样本要能够尽量接近所要研究的总体,使得产生的取样误差最小。
  • Definition: Inferential statistics refers to the use of a series of mathematical methods to generalize the results obtained from sample data to the population where the sample is located.
  • Due to limitations in practical conditions, it may not be possible to examine each individual in the population one by one in actual research, only representative samples can be used to infer the overall situation of the population.
  • The key to conducting inferential statistics is to extract samples that are as close as possible to the population being studied, in order to minimize the sampling error.
descriptive_statistics_and_inferential_statistics.txt · 最后更改: 2024/03/03 02:56 由 2104龚文滕