


符号检验法(Sign test)

  • 符号检验法对应于相关样本的t检验,根据两个相关样本的每一对数据之差的符号(正负)来进行检验。
  • 符号检验法可用于顺序型与类目型的数据。

* The symbolic test method corresponds to the t test of the relevant samples, and is tested according to the sign (positive or negative) of the difference between each pair of data of the two relevant samples. * Symbolic testing can be used for sequential and categorical data.

检验步骤(checking procedure)

  • 1.提出假设(H0:p(x>y)=0.5/差值d总体的中位数为0);
  • 2.根据H0所提供的前提条件确立统计模型
  • 3.规定显著性水平α,随之确定否定域;
  • 4.计算检验统计量的值;
  • 5.做出决策。

*Hypothesis (H0: p (x>y) =0.5/ The median of the difference d population is 0); *2. Establish the statistical model according to the preconditions provided by H0 *3. Specify the significance level α, and then determine the negative domain; *4. Calculate the value of the test statistic; *5. Make decisions.

大样本情况下的符号检验法(Symbolic test method in case of large sample)

  • 大样本(n>25)情况下,可以用与二项分布近似的正态分布进行符号检验。

* For large samples (n>25), the sign test can be performed with a normal distribution approximating the binomial distribution.

符号检验法.txt · 最后更改: 2024/04/19 05:34 由 aiyuheng