
Chapter3: Central tendency and Variability



  1. 学会计算均值,中数和众数;
    Learn to calculate mean, median, and mode;
  2. 对于给定的分数分布,确定如何选用适宜的集中量数;
    Learn how to choose the appropriate central tendency for a given score distribution;
  3. 学会计算标准差,四分位距和全距;
    Learn to calculate standard deviation, interquartile range, and full range;
  4. 对于给定的分数分布,确定如何选用适宜的差异量数。
    Learn how to choose the appropriate variability for a given score distribution

集中量数 (Central Tendency):

差异量数 (Variability):

作业 (Homework):