





二因素anova的主效应和交互效应的类型 [2023/04/03 08:31] – 创建 yunyuqu二因素anova的主效应和交互效应的类型 [2024/04/07 04:35] (当前版本) 2104龚文滕
行 66: 行 66:
   * {{:非按序交互作用.png?200 |}}   * {{:非按序交互作用.png?200 |}}
 +====The types of main and interactive effects of two factor ANOVA====
 +  * Independent variable 1: morning and night patterns
 +  * Independent variable 2: number of cups of coffee consumed (more, less)
 +  * Dependent variable: exam score
 +**The main effect of factor A**
 +  * ----------less-------more
 +  * morning patterns----90------90
 +  * night patterns----60------60
 +  * {{:a主效应.png?200 |}}
 +**The main effect of factor B**
 +  * ----------less-------more
 +  * morning patterns----60------90
 +  * night patterns----60------90
 +  * {{:b主效应.png?200 |}}
 +**The main effects of factor A and factor B**
 +  * ----------less-------more
 +  * morning patterns----60------90
 +  * night patterns----30------60
 +  * {{:ab主效应.png?200 |}}
 +**The interaction between factors**
 +  * ----------less-------more
 +  * morning patterns----90------60
 +  * night patterns----60------90
 +  * {{:交互作用.png?200 |}}
 +**Interaction and the main effect of a factor**
 +  * ----------less-------more
 +  * morning patterns----90------60
 +  * night patterns----30------60
 +  * {{:交互作用_1主效应.png?200 |}}
 +  * __**Classify by factor main effect**__
 +  * **Interaction and main effects of two factors**
 +  * ----------less-------more
 +  * morning patterns----90------60
 +  * night patterns----10------80
 +  * {{:交互作用_2主效应.png?200 |}}
 +  * **Interaction and main effects of two factors**
 +  * ----------less-------more
 +  * morning patterns----90------60
 +  * night patterns----10------80
 +  * {{:交互作用_2主效应.png?200 |}}
 +  * __**Sort in order or out of order**__
 +  * **Sequential interaction**
 +  * The direction of the effects of the two independent variables is consistent, but the magnitude of the difference is different
 +  * {{:按序交互作用.png?200 |}}
 +  * **Non sequential interactions**
 +  * The difference caused by one independent variable varies at different levels in another independent variable
 +  * {{:非按序交互作用.png?200 |}}
二因素anova的主效应和交互效应的类型.1680510716.txt.gz · 最后更改: 2023/04/03 08:31 由 yunyuqu