
Chapter 7: Independent Sample T-test and Related Sample T-test

=)本章概览 (Guide)

:!:学习要点 (Learning Points)

  1. 区分独立样本t检验与相关样本t检验
    Distinguishing between independent sample t-test and correlated sample T-test
  2. 掌握独立样本t检验与相关样本t检验的逻辑
    Master the logic of independent sample t-test and related sample T-test
  3. 学会计算独立样本与相关样本的t统计量
    Learn how to calculate T-statistics for independent and related samples
  4. 学习独立样本t检验与相关样本t检验的统计前提
    Statistical prerequisites for learning independent sample T-tests and correlated sample T-tests
  5. 掌握独立样本t检验与相关样本t检验的效应与效力
    Master the effects and efficacy of independent sample T-tests and related sample T-tests

