
Distribution of mean differences for independent samples



In an independent sample design, each population has a mean distribution. In this way for two population we have to deal with two different mean distributions. We randomly select a mean from the mean distribution of the first population, and then we randomly select a mean from the mean distribution of the second population as well. Subtracting the two extracted means gives us a fraction of the difference in means, and repeating this process many times we obtain a distribution of differences in means.

If the null hypothesis is correct, then the means of two populations are equal, so the mean of difference distribution is 0. The variance of this distribution is decided by the variances of the populations to be estimated, so we can test it as a t-distribution. Using the variance of sample to estimate the variance of distribution, that to estimate the variance of the distribution of population, then combine the variance of two sample mean distributions to make a new estimated value, to describe the variation of the distribution of the mean of the population.