卡方匹配度(拟合优度)检验(Chi-square match (goodness of fit) test)

—- The chi square can be used to test the goodness of fit between the observed and theoretical distributions of frequency.

* Definition formula: statistic 𝜒^2=Σ [(FO-Fe)^2/fe] (observed number fo, expected number fe=pn), degrees of freedom df=C-1 (C: number of class objects).

* Test limitations : ① Sensitive to sample size (significant results can be obtained when sample size is large); The causal relationship cannot be determined.

* * * chi-square test the effect of Cramer 's V: V * * = {𝜒 ^ 2 / (n * min (r - c - 1, 1)]} ^ 1/2

* Calculation steps of Chi-square test: ① Put forward the hypothesis; ② According to the null hypothesis 𝐻o, select the corresponding statistical model; (3) The significance level α is determined (after α is determined, the negative domain is also determined); ④ The values of the test statistics are calculated based on the statistical model set by 𝐻o; ⑤ Make decisions.