======《APA统计与研究方法词典》相关词汇定义====== **(APA Dictionary of Statistics and Research Methods)** \\ ====Scale==== - A system for ordering test responses in a progressive series, so as to measure a trait, ability, attirade, or the like. For example, an agreement scale used on an attitude survey might have seven response options ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (7), with neither disagree nor agree (4) as the middle point. \\ - A sequence of ordered values used as a reference in measuring a physical property (e.g., weight, temperature). - More generally, any test or other assessment instrument as a whole.\\ * **测度等级** - 一种系统,用于对渐进式序列中的测试反馈进行排序,以测量特质、能力、attirade等。例如,态度调查中使用的一致性量表可能有七个反馈选项,从非常不同意(1)到非常同意(7),中间点既不是同意也不是不同意(4)。 \\ - 在测量物理特性(例如重量、温度)时用作参考的有序值序列。 \\ - 更一般地,任何测试或其他作为一个整体存在的评估工具。\\ \\ ====Nominal scale==== * A sequence of numbers that do not indicate order, magnitude, or a true zero point but rather identity items as belonging to mutually exclusive categories. For example, a nominal scale for the performance of a specific group of people on a particular test might arbitrarily use the number 1 to denote pass and the number 2 to denote fail. Since the numbers represent category labels, they cannot be manipulated mathematically or otherwise quantitatively compared. * **命名测度** * 不存在顺序、大小或绝对零点的数字序列,作为替代将内容以不相容的标签分类。例如,特定人群在特定测试中表现的命名等级可能会任意使用数字 1 表示通过,数字 2 表示失败。由于这些数字代表类别标签,因此无法通过数学或其他方式进行定量比较。 \\ ====Ordinal scale==== * A sequence of numbers that do not indicate magnitude or a true zero point but rather reflect a rank ordering on the attribute being measured. For example, an ordinal scale for the performance of a specific group of people on a particular test might use the number 1 to indicate the person who obtained the highest score, the number 2 to indicate the person who obtained the next highest score, and so on. It is important to note that an ordinal scale does not provide any information about the degree of difference between adjacent ranks (e.g., it is not clear what the actual point difference is between the rank 1 and 2 scores). * **顺序测度** \\ * 不表示具体大小或绝对零点的数字序列,仅反映所测量属性的排名顺序。例如,特定人群在特定测试中的表现的顺序量表可能使用数字 1 表示获得最高分的人,使用数字 2 表示获得第二高分数的人,依此类推。需要注意的是,顺序量表不提供有关相邻等级之间差异程度的任何信息(例如,不清楚等级 1 和 2 分数之间的实际分数差是多少)。\\ \\ ====Interval scale==== * A scale marked in equal intervals so that the difference between any two consecutive values on the scale is equivalent regardless of the two values selected. Interval scales lack a true, meaningful zero point, which is what distinguishes them from RATIO SCALES. For example, Fahrenheit temperature uses an interval scale: The difference between 50 °F and 49 °F is the same as the difference between 40 °F and 39 °F, but temperature of 0 °F does not indicate that there is no temperature. * **等距测度** * 以相等间隔标记的刻度,以便无论选择哪个值,刻度上任何两个连续值之间的差值都是相等的。区间量表缺乏一个有意义的绝对零点,这就是它们与比率量表的区别。例如,华氏温度使用区间刻度:50 °F 和 49 °F 之间的差异与 40 °F 和 39 °F 之间的差异相同,但 0 °F 的温度并不表示没有温度。 \\ ====Ratio scale==== * A measurement scale having a true zero (i.e., zero on the scale indicates an absence of the measured attribute) and a constant ratio of values. Thus, on a ratio scale an increase from 3 to 4 (for example) is the same as an increase from 7 to 8. The existence of a true zero point is what distinguishes a ratio scale from an INTERVAL SCALE. * **比例测度** * 具有绝对零点(即刻度上的零,表示缺少测量的属性)和恒定值比率的测度等级。因此,在比例等级上,从 3 增加到 4(例如)与从 7 增加到 8 相同。绝对零点的存在是比例等级与等距等级的区别。