====== Chapter3: Central tendency and Variability====== ===== Guide ===== {{ :第三章:data.svg?500 |}} * Central tendency: The situation at the middle position of a distribution, also known as concentration trend, used to estimate and predict the overall situation. * Variability: describes the variability of data distribution, is a quantitative description of the extension of distribution and the degree of aggregation, used to measure the size of estimation and prediction errors. ===== Points ===== - Learn to calculate mean, median, and mode; - Learn how to choose the appropriate central tendency for a given score distribution; - Learn to calculate standard deviation, interquartile range, and full range; - Learn how to choose the appropriate variability for a given score distribution. ===== Contents ===== ==== Central tendency ==== - [[arithmetic-mean-median-mode-english|Arithmetic mean, median, mode]] - [[the-shape-of-distribution-english|The shape of distribution and central tendency]] - [[the-comparison-of-central-tendency-english|The comparison of central tendency]] ==== Variability ==== - [[full-range-standard-deviation-interquartile-range-english|Full range, standard deviation, interquartile range]] - [[the-compare-of-variability-english|The comparison of variability]] ==== Homework ==== - [[homework3|Chapter3 homework of 2023]] - [[2024homework3|Chapter3 homework of 2024]]