======第一章:统计与度量的基本概念====== ======Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Statistics and Measurement====== =)**本章指南**:本章从心理学的学科性质谈起,并介绍一些心理学的研究方法,以及心理统计学的基本概念和符号,为后面的学习做铺垫。\\ **Guide**: Starting from the disciplinary nature of psychology, this chapter introduces some research methods in psychology, as well as the basic concepts and symbols of psychological statistics, laying the foundation for future learning. :!:**学习要点(Learning Points)**: - 将统计方法和心理学研究情境相结合;\\ Integrating statistical methods with psychological research contexts; - 重视概念;\\ Emphasize concepts; - 循序渐进,弄懂一个概念后再学下一个;\\ Step by step, understand one concept before moving to the next one; - 规范答题,按照推荐的格式解题。\\ Standardize your answers and solve them in the recommended format. ---- **目录** - [[experimentdesign|实验设计 (Experiment design)]] - [[population, sample and random sampling|总体、样本和随机取样 (Population, sample and random sampling)]] - [[descriptive statistics and inferential statistics|描述统计和推论统计 (Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics)]] - [[parameter-statistic-samplingerror|参数、统计量和取样误差 (Parameter, statistic and sampling error)]] - [[discrete and continuous variables|离散型变量和连续型变量 (Discrete and continuous variables)]] - [[scales|变量的测度等级 (Scales)]] - [[common basic statistical symbols|常用的基本统计符号 (Basic statistical symbols)]] - [[test|课堂测验 (Test)]]