==== ANOVA的步骤 (Steps of ANOVA) ====
* State H0 and H1.Determine the level of significance α.
* Determine the directionality of the test. Notice: the ANOVA test is always a **single tail test**.
* Indicate the degree of freedom of the test. Notice: there are two degrees of freedom in the ANOVA test, namely the degree of freedom of inter-group variation (k-1) and the degree of freedom of intra-group variation (N-k), where k is the number of setting levels and N is the total sample capacity.
* Find the critical F statistic by looking up the table according to inter-group degrees of freedom, intra-group degrees of freedom and significance level α.
{{ ::方差分析表.jpg?nolink&350 |}}
* Calculate the F value of your sample, and draw the ANOVA table as shown in the figure above.
* Compare the calculated F value with the critical F value.If Fobs < Fcrit,then accept the null hypothesis; if not, then refuse it and accept the alternative hypothesis.
* Carry out the post hoc test.