====== ANOVA的效应 (Effect of ANOVA) ====== 1. 效应大小与统计工具的敏感性无关,它表示几个总体平均值之间的距离,也不依赖样本容量这类测量特性。\\ The effect size is independent of the sensitivity of the statistical tool, which indicates the distance between several overall means, and is not dependent on a measurement characteristic such as sample size. 2. 效应量 (effect size):{{::anova效应量.png?200|}} 3. ANOVA中r与效应量关系 (Relationship between r and effect size in ANOVA):{{::anova中r与效应量关系.png?100|}} 4. ANOVA中效应的评估 (Assessment of effects in ANOVA): {{ ::anova中效应的评估.png?400 }}