==== 1. 独立样本t检验的效应量 (Effect size of the independent sample t test)==== 效应量(ES)的大小代表两个总体分布的重叠程度。在独立样本t检验中,效应大小的计算公式如下: The size of the effect size represents the extent to which the two population distributions overlap. In the independent sample t test, the formula for calculating the effect size is as follows: {{ ::独立样本t检验的效应.jpg?nolink&150 |}} 其中X1bar和X2bar分别代表两个独立样本的均值,而Sp代表的是对总体标准差的估计值。 Where X1bar and X2bar represent the mean of two independent samples, and Sp represents the estimate of the standard deviation of the population. ES越小,代表重叠程度越大,效应越小;ES越大,重叠程度越小,效应越大。 The smaller the ES, the greater the overlap and the smaller the effect. While the larger the ES, the smaller the overlap and the larger the effect. ---- ==== 2. 独立样本t检验的置信区间 (Confidence interval of the independent sample t test)==== 独立样本t检验的置信水平为1-α的置信区间为: The confidence interval for the independent sample t test with a confidence level of 1-α is {{ ::独立样本t检验的置信区间.jpg?nolink&250 |}} 其中Sω是对总体标准差的估计值。 Where Sω represents the estimate of the standard diavation of the population. ---- ==== 3. 独立样本t检验的效力 (Power of the independent sample t test)==== 效力的大小和显著性水平、样本容量和检验方向有关。 The magnitude of efficacy is related to the level of significance, sample size, and test direction. * 样本量越大,效力越高; The larger the sample size, the higher the power. * 效应越大,效力越高; The greater the effect, the higher the power. * 相同条件下双尾检验的效力比单尾检验效力高。 The power of the two-tail test is higher than that of the single-tail test under the same conditions.