**卡方匹配度(拟合优度)检验(Chi-square match (goodness of fit) test)** ---- *卡方可以用来检验频率的**观测分布和理论分布之间的拟合优度**。 ***定义公式:**统计量𝜒^2=Σ [(fo-fe)^2/fe](观察次数fo,期望次数fe=pn),自由度df=C-1(C:类目的个数)。 ***检验局限**:①对样本量敏感(样本量很大时会得到显著结果);②不能确定因果关系。 ***卡方检验的效应量Cramer's V:** V={𝜒^2/[n*min(c-1,r-1)]}^1/2 ***卡方检验的计算步骤:**①提出假设;②根据虚无假设𝐻o,选择相应的统计模型;③确定显著性水平α(α确定后,否定域也随之确定);④基于𝐻o所设定的统计模型,计算检验统计量的值;⑤做出决策。 *** Chi-square match (goodness of fit) test ** ---- The chi square can be used to test the goodness of fit between the observed and theoretical distributions of frequency. *** Definition formula: ** statistic 𝜒^2=Σ [(FO-Fe)^2/fe] (observed number fo, expected number fe=pn), degrees of freedom df=C-1 (C: number of class objects). *** Test limitations ** : ① Sensitive to sample size (significant results can be obtained when sample size is large); The causal relationship cannot be determined. * * * chi-square test the effect of Cramer 's V: V * * = {𝜒 ^ 2 / (n * min (r - c - 1, 1)]} ^ 1/2 *** Calculation steps of Chi-square test: **① Put forward the hypothesis; ② According to the null hypothesis 𝐻o, select the corresponding statistical model; (3) The significance level α is determined (after α is determined, the negative domain is also determined); ④ The values of the test statistics are calculated based on the statistical model set by 𝐻o; ⑤ Make decisions.