====== 主效应 ====== 在二因素研究设计中,考察每个自变量对于因变量的影响是重要的目标之一。我们把某个自变量的不同水平对因变量造成的影响的差异称为这个自变量的主效应。 ====== 交互效应 ====== ====== interactive effect ====== 除了考察每个自变量对于因变量各自的影响之外,二因素设计使我们还能够就一个自变量与另一个自变量交互对因变量产生的影响进行考察。当不同处理方式之间均值的差异和主效应不一致时,因素的主效应就只能解释一部分对因变量的影响。因此,在二因素方差分析中,如果一个因素对因变量的影响因另一个因素的不同水平而不同,我们就说这两个因素有交互作用。 In addition to examining the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable individually, a two-factor design allows us to examine the effect of one independent variable interacting with another on the dependent variable. When the differences in means and main effects between treatments are inconsistent, the main effect of the factor only explains part of the effect on the dependent variable. Therefore, in a two-factor ANOVA, we say that there is an interaction of the two factors, if the effect of one factor on the dependent variable varies depending on the different levels of the other factor.