====== 一元线性回归效应量 ======
===== The effect size of univariate linear regression =====
- 一元回归分析常用效应量为**复相关系数R2**,它表明了回归方程对因变量的解释能力。\\A commonly used effect size for univariate regression analysis is ** the compound correlation coefficient R2**, which indicates the ability of the regression equation to explain the dependent variable.\\
- R2公式:{{ ::一元线性回归效应量-1.png?200 |}}\\ 或者{{ ::一元线性回归效应量-2.png?150 |}}
- 复相关效应量会过高估计自变量对因变量解释能力,现在常用**校正复相关系数R2adj**作为效应量。\\Complex correlation effect sizes can overestimate the ability of the independent variable to explain the dependent variable, and it is now common to use **Calibrated Complex Correlation CoefficientR2adj** corrected complex correlation coefficients as effect sizes.
- R2adj公式:{{ ::校正复相关系数.png?200 |}}